Unpublished Writings

Articles written by Dolph, but not published in any source outside this website (dates each piece were written are included after the author’s name):

That French Champ is an American by Dolph L. Hatfield (1969)

A Glimpse into the Lives of Washington D.C.’s Homeless by Dolph L. Hatfield (2004)

Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ: Is it Anti-Semitic? by Dolph L. Hatfield (April 2004)

The Pamplona Bull Run by Dolph L. Hatfield (Fall 2005)

An Unexpected Journey Back from Paralysis by Dolph L. Hatfield (November 2012)

First Jackie Robinson, then Larry Doby by Dolph L. Hatfield (May 2013)

One of our Government’s and society’s harsh injustices: Treatment of the Vietnam vets on their return from the war by Dolph L. Hatfield (October, 2019)

The Bravest Person I Have Ever Known: My Father by Dolph L. Hatfield (September 2020)

A story on knowing when to let go and not being able to let go by Dolph L. Hatfield (August 2021)